Students normally face the problem of not being able to explain their view point to the other person because they lack using appropriate words at that particular moment. DO you also face the same problem?
In this blog, what is vocabulary, types of vocabulary, why it is important to have strong vocabulary, all the tips on how to build strong vocabulary and implement it at right time will be discussed.

What is Vocabulary?
Vocabulary is an additional set of words which are used with ordinary language while communicating so that the other person perceives the meaning in the same manner as it is said by the sender.
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Types of Vocabulary
Reading Vocabulary– Generally when a person gets to know about new words while reading a book is what we call a reading vocabulary. It is believed that a person who has the habit of reading has the knowledge of a wide Range of vocabulary.
Listening Vocabulary– Recognizing and understanding every word which a person is using while conversing is what we call listening vocabulary . One can learn about the meaning of new words by understanding gestures and tones used by the other person.
Speaking Vocabulary– Words which a speaker uses while speaking gives a clear idea about his/her speaking skills. Due to lack of clarity in words people often use inappropriate words in speech.
Writing Vocabulary– Writing is a way to express our emotions for that we use some words that we call vocabulary. Basically, in writing choosing the right word for formal and informal letters is necessary.

Why is vocabulary important?
Learning vocabulary is considered as the basic part of foundation learning and communication. A child’s success is dependent on his/her vocabulary knowledge because
- Vocabulary growth is directly related to school achievement.
- In addition to this, the more children have a stronger base for vocabulary in kindergarten , the greater the ability to learn and excel in the future.
- Having wide knowledge about words will eventually help children to think and learn more about the world in an efficient way.
- Students learn more while they read because 90% of the words they learn and understand is while reading. Thus, it improves reading and build a foundation for strong vocabulary.
- Language Development– If children are taught about the new words and their meanings, it will help them in developing rich vocab for language and also express themselves better.
- Effective communication– If a child knows how to use the right word at the right time it will eventually help in removing ambiguity in conversation and results in effective communication.
- Express in writing – Students will be able to express themselves more clearly while writing if they know the meaning of the new words.
- Success at Workplace – Good vocab results in good communication. There are chances when there’s a misunderstanding among the colleagues because of not having uniform vocabulary skills. If you have good vocabulary knowledge you can understand others and make them understand as well.
- You can score good in entrance exams as there are special aptitude questions for which one should have strong vocabulary to answer them
- One can persuade others if they know what sort of words are to be used to influence the right class of group
Vocabulary Development Stages
A person develops vocabulary skill throughout his life. For instance, infants learn only those words which they hear from their parents or the objects which are visible to them. As they grow they started developing vocabulary by using it while writing at schools. After completing school, students get mastered in it. A person keeps on developing new vocab as they move ahead like in college or at the workplace, it’s a life time process.
Tips to improve Vocabulary
Five skills which can help you in improving your vocabulary. It’s the same like when we start learning your first language we learn to read, listen, write , watch and converse, similarly to improve vocabulary we learn about synonyms , homophones , homonyms and other difficult words. Following are the ways on how to improve vocab
- Developing a reading habit will help in building Vocabulary because when you encounter words in context there’s a better understanding. As it is easier to understand the actual meaning of the word and how it is to be used in sentence form.
- Make a habit of reading dictionaries. One can make a habit of at least reading one page of the dictionary for learning new words with their antonyms, synonyms and other root words. Nowadays, online dictionaries and thesauruses are easily accessible.
- Playing word games like scrabble, crossword puzzles and boggles can help in learning while doing fun activities. It’s an interesting way to expand your English vocabulary as the difficulty also increases. Make a list of the words which you learnt while playing and read it once after the game is
- There are many apps which are developed to make flashcards easy to organise. One can use flashcards as it’s a quick way to make a large vocabulary to study the meaning of a large number of words.
- Word of the day – Subscribing to such platforms which provides a word with its proper definition, meaning and everything via app, mail or publish it on a website. This can help you in learning the words which get used the most in daily life.
- Start using new words in conversation so that you can practice those in real life situations so that you get a habit of using those at the right time in a particular
A person’s quality of speech is recognised by the vocabulary he is using while conversing, is it right to fit in the situation or not. This means your speech reflects your knowledge and personality. For that we need to expand our knowledge for vocabulary skills. You can get online language classes from the experts available at Guru At Home. I Hope this blog will help you in improving your vocabulary.
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