Online Tutors for Grade 3 Students
Guru At Home provides best online Indian tutors for 3rd grade students. For every student, the education of third grade demands some new skills and techniques to make the experience of learning fun and engaging.
It is the time when kids are in their growing state, and the perfect online 3rd grade tutors make sure that your child regards books as friends and does not take it as a burden.
Guru At Home’s versatile curriculum is highly adaptive and rational to cover the core concepts of US, Cambridge International, CBSE and ICSE standards.

Best Private Tutors for Grade 3 Students
As a matter of fact, not every parent has the patience and skills to teach their 8-9-year-old effectively. And this is where the role of online tutors for grade 3 comes into play.
Our experienced 3rd class tutors know precisely how to maintain the perfect balance between learning and enjoying. With a record of efficient teaching, our online tutors for third grade understand the importance of building a friendly rapport with your child.
They turn 1 on 1 live 3rd class tutoring classes into a fun-filled session by conducting interactive lessons with worksheets followed by regular assessments. Our 3rd grade online tutors make a full learning package for your 3rd grader with the use of images, videos and voice to turn into an overall memorable experience.

Grade 3 Homework Help From Experienced Tutors
The 3rd Grade online tutors at Guru at home will help your child’s smooth transition from their kindergarten years towards a serious learning scenario. With our best online tutors for grade 3 in India, USA – your child gets the support they need in their learning years.
All our 3rd-grade tutors at Guru at home are well experienced. They craft a customized learning pattern according to every child’s unique learning needs. Be it support in their homework or to improve your child’s grades; you can rely on our 3rd class online tutoring sessions to solve all the queries.
Why are we the first choice of parents for 3rd class Online Tutors ?
We at Guru at Home continuously work to make problem-solving easy for our students. With our positive approach for problem-solving and easy conceptual application, your kid will retain the basics of the subject for a long time.
Here is how we make online learning for a 3rd class student easy
- Interactive voice sessions
- Use of whiteboard
- Use of animated and interactive videos
- Tips & tricks for each subject
- Quizzes for analyzing students’ performance
- Completion of homework
- Regular worksheets and tests
- Revisions and multiple examples
- Doubt solving sessions
- Learn from experienced math tutors online
- Weekly report to parents about student’s performance
Here is a brief list of topics that your child will learn in Grade 3 online tutoring classes
Grade 3 Math Tutoring
- Multiplication
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Division
- Geometry
- Measurements
- Patterns
Grade 3 Science Tutoring
- Ecosystem and life cycle
- Properties of Matter
- Space and Earth
- Energy
- magnets
- electricity
- Technology and engineering
Grade 3 English Tutoring
- Verbs
- Sentence structure
- Prefixes and suffixes
- Root words
- Conjunctions
- Contractions
- Punctuations and capitalization
Download Syllabus for Grade 3 Math Tutoring
Download Syllabus for Grade 3 Science Tutoring
Download Syllabus for Grade 3 English Tutoring
Live tutoring plan for grade 3
Personalized One On One Sessions
Comprehensive Courses
Notes & Assessments for every topic
Subjects for Grade 3
Our Reviews
Online tutoring can be started at any point. You can start with the online sessions in the summer breaks, in the starting of grade or the mid of the session.
To get accustomed to a regular learning pattern of school and to retain the learning
Our online tutors focus on all areas of academics and development while teaching them the basics of math, science and English
Yes, easily! Our tutors use creative and innovative teaching methodologies to make learning interactive
The online tutoring services of Guru at home are customized according to each child’s ability, and this makes us the best tutors for your child.