Online Tutors for Grade 12 – Guru At Home
With your life as a school student coming to an end, don’t forget to make it count.
The Grade 12 session begins with a lot of pressure, confusion, nostalgia, and excitement. In the entire hustle of pre-boards, boards, and farewell, you have very limited time and a lot of tasks to perform. Online Grade 12 Tutors of Guru At Home make sure that you perform well in your exams as well as enjoy your last year in school.
Our online classes cover the curriculum from IB, ICSE, IGCSE (Cambridge curriculum), GCSE (UK curriculum), USA and Canadian educational boards.

The one rule of senior secondary classes that we are all aware of is “multiple subjects, multiple tuitions.” You have to perform at your best at the most crucial stage of your entire school life, and you cannot risk it for anything. You must learn from the best tutors who are specialists in their subjects. Why?
- Because you need knowledge of the subject from an expert.
- Each subject, be it Physics, Math or Accountancy, each of them has its own rules and concepts that is the reason you need a specialized & experienced tutor for every subject.
- Who doesn’t like scoring good? But the key point here is the scores of your grade 12 can help you aim for your desired colleges.
- Students need extra guidance at the stage of their career shaping.
Students frequently search for the best tutors for grade 12 in their respective towns, and they frequently struggle if the tutors teach at a distance; however, what if we told you that you can have your own personalised tutor from the comfort of your own home? How?
The answer is as simple as three words: Guru At Home.
Guru is a Sanskrit word that means “a teacher or an especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern.” And that’s exactly what Guru At Home aims to provide you: the right tutor for the right guidance.
- We don’t only want you to connect with a tutor of your desired subject, be it Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths, English, Accounts, Finance, Economics, Psychology, History, Geography or any subject you wish for, you name it, we have it.
We aim to provide you with a “guru,” a guide who can help you at-
- Each and every stage of your learning and who bombards your mind with an ample amount of knowledge.
- Tests your learning at every stage & makes your learning interesting with regular assignments and extra notes.
- And guides you to the right path for the perfect scores.
We focus on covering all the subjects of all the streams that are present in the course of grades 11, 12, A level and higher level.
We cover all the majority of boards used in mostly schools of USA, UK, Canada, India etc. including
- IB
Science tutoring for Grade 12
We understand that you are at the peak stage of your school’s academics and we understand the importance of the best possible tutoring. At Guru At Home, we have different tutors for specific subjects. Our 12-grade tutors primarily focus on delivering the textbook lessons, enhancing the thinking and creative capabilities of the students and helping them develop the intellectual habits that help them in all their subjects.

Online Physics Tutors for grade 12
We exert a perfect force of hard work to pave the momentum of your perfectly suitable tutor for you. Our online physics tutors for grade 12 are highly efficient at helping you with your syllabus and other important courses.
Topics covered
- Kinematics
- Accelerated motion
- Dynamics
- Forces
- Work, energy and power
- Momentum
- Matter and materials
- Electric current
- Kirchhoff’s laws
- Resistance and resistivity
- Practical circuits
- Waves
- Superposition of waves
- Stationary waves
- Atomic structure
- Practical skills for AS
- Circular motion
- Gravitational fields
- Oscillations
- Thermal physics
- Ideal gases
- Uniform electric fields
- Coulomb’s law
- Capacitance
- Magnetic fields and electromagnetism
- Motion of charged particles
- Electromagnetic induction
- Alternating currents
- Quantum physics
- Nuclear physics
- Medical imaging
- Astronomy and cosmology
Online Chemistry tutors for grade 12
Guru At Home’s live 1:1 classes are extremely helpful for the students. They can learn without any hesitation. All our tutors are highly experienced and help the students with both theoretical and practical learning.
Topics covered:
- Atomic structure
- Electrons in atoms
- Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry
- Chemical bonding
- States of matter
- Enthalpy changes
- Redox reactions
- Equilibria
- Rates of reaction
- Periodicity
- Group 2
- Group 17
- Nitrogen and Sulphur
- Introduction to organic chemistry
- Hydrocarbons
- Halogenoalkanes
- Alcohols, esters, carboxylic acids
- Carbonyl compounds
- Practical skills for AS Level
- Lattice energy
- Electrochemistry
- Further aspects of equilibria
- Reaction kinetics
- Entropy and Gibbs free energy
- Transition element
- Benzene and its compound
- Carboxylic acids and their derivatives
- Organic nitrogen compounds
- Polymerisation
- Organic synthesis
- Analytical chemistry
Online Biology tutors for grade 12
We provide you with what you need, which might be more, but nothing less. We ask you what qualities you need in your tutor and arrange the best and most suitable one for you according to your preferences. Our tutors are terrific, trustworthy, and help you raise your scores.
Topics covered
- Cell structure
- Biological molecules
- Enzymes
- Cell membranes and transport
- The mitotic cell cycles
- Nucleic acid and protein synthesis
- Transport in plants
- Transport in mammals
- Gas exchange
- Infectious diseases
- Immunity
- Practical skills for AS
- Energy and respiration
- Photosynthesis
- Homeostasis
- Control and coordination
- Inherited change
- Selection and evolution
- Classification, biodiversity and conservation
- Genetic technology
Maths tutoring for grade 12
If you are looking for a perfect maths tutor who covers all the topics of grade 12 in a specialised manner, like online trigonometry tutors for grade 12, online algebra tutors for grade 12, or calculus and geometry, Guru At Home is the perfect place for you.
Topics covered
- Quadratics
- Functions
- Coordinate geometry
- Circular measure
- Trigonometry
- Series
- Differentiation
- Further differentiation
- Integration
- Algebra
- Logarithmic and exponential functions
- Trigonometry
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Numerical solutions of equations
- Further algebra
- Further calculus
- Vectors
- Differential equations
- Complex numbers
Commerce tutoring for grade 12
- The core subjects of commerce are accounts, economics, and business studies. We have the best live tutors for commerce. Our online accounting, economics, and business studies classes help students –
- Clear their concepts with the assistance of tutors
- Challenge their capabilities
- Test themselves and work towards improvement
- Elevate the scores
Online commerce tutors for grade 12
Accountancy is an entirely new and fresh subject for students who opt for Commerce in grades 11 and 12. It is both theoretical and practical. But it is extremely important to understand all the concepts of accounts from their roots. Because the level of lessons increases as the lessons progress, it is critical to learn and remember everything step-by-step for such accommodation, and our tutors are here to assist you. The live classes, undivided attention, and extremely dedicated and experienced tutors are the perfect blend of combinations for your learning.
In Accounts the topics covered are as follows:
- The fundamentals of accounting
- Sources and recording of data
- Verification of accounting records
- Accounting procedures
- Preparation of financial statements
- Analysis and interpretation
- Accounting principles and policies
Online Economics tutors for grade 12
Economics is a common subject in two streams Commerce and Arts. Even if the syllabus is the same in both the streams the learning techniques might differ. Because when students from the stream of Arts study Economics they don’t have subjects like Accounts and Business Studies to relate with one another but when students of commerce study economics they must study and analyse the subject not just the syllabus part but also about the current economic status, schemes affecting that and etc. Our tutors keep you up to date with all this knowledge and plan their lessons with everything included.
Topics covered in Economics
- Basic economic ideas and resource allocation
- The price system and the micro economy
- Government micro intervention
- The macro economy
- Government macro intervention
- A Level: 6. Basic economic ideas and resource allocation
- The price system and the micro economy
- Government microeconomic intervention
- The macro economy
- Government macro intervention
Online tutors for grade 12 Business studies
Not all theoretical subjects can be cramped. Especially at the serious stage of your senior year. Subjects like business studies are a lot more than pointers and sub pointers. You can surely cram that but to connect it with case studies which are again a very important part of the subject you need to have proper knowledge and understanding. For that, we connect you with the tutors who keep you connected to the subject.
Topics covered in Business studies
Unit 1. Business and its Environment:
- Enterprise
- Business structure
- Size of business
- Business objectives
- Stakeholders in a business
- Business structure (A Level)
- Size of business (A Level)
- External influences on business activity (A Level)
- External economic influences on business behaviour (A Level)
Unit 2. People in Organisations:
- Management and leadership
- Motivation
- Human resource management (HRM)
- Further Human resource management (HRM) (A Level)
- Organisation structure (A Level)
- Business communication (A Level)
Unit 3. Marketing:
- What is marketing?
- Market research
- The marketing mix – product and price
- The marketing mix – promotion and place
- Marketing planning (A Level)
- Globalisation and international marketing (A Level)
Unit 4. Operations and Project Management:
- The nature of operations
- Operations planning
- Inventory management
- Capacity utilisation (A Level)
- Lean production and quality management (A Level)
- Project management (A Level)
Unit 5. Finance and Accounting:
- Business finance
- Costs
- Accounting fundamentals
- Forecasting and managing cash flows
- Costs (A Level)
- Budgets (A Level)
- Contents of published accounts (A Level)
- Analysis of published accounts (A Level)
- Investment appraisal (A Level)
Unit 6. Strategic Management:
- What is strategic management? (A Level)
- Strategic analysis (A Level)
- Strategic choice (A Level)
- Strategic implementation (A Level)
Arts tutoring for grade 12
The main subjects in which students from the Arts stream seek tuition are history and geography. Extra guidance apart from school in the stream of arts is as important as in any other stream. It is the fastest and most transparent stream and we search for the tutors for the same accordingly. Our team has tutors with experience ranging from 1 year to 10 years. You can choose the most efficient one for you as per your preference.
Online tutors for History grade 12
There is a lot to learn about the world and it’s the best to learn about it from the best among the world. We find the perfect tutors for you from across the world to whom you can have access to 24/7 and they help you with your every doubt regarding the subject anytime.
Topics covered in History
- Empire and the emergence of world powers, 1870 ̶ 1919
- The League of Nations and international relations in the 1920s
- The League of Nations and international relations in the 1930s
- China and Japan, 1912–1945
Online Geography tutors for grade 12
Geography is interesting and can become from hard or boring subject to your favourite one with the right tutor.
We give you the freedom of learning at your own pace without any pressure, you can choose the pattern of your lessons, you can choose the timings of your class according to your convenience. Our client’s satisfaction is our utmost priority and we work very for the betterment every day.
Topics covered in Geography
- Water and carbon cycles
- Hot desert systems and landscapes
- Coastal systems and landscapes
- Hazards
- Ecosystems under stress
- Glacial systems and landscapes
- Global systems and global governance
- Changing places
- Contemporary urban environments
- Population and the environment
- Resource security
- Fieldwork
- Geographical skills
Language Tutors for grade 12
The common subject in all the streams is a language subject, most commonly, English Literature. The subject itself can help you improve your overall result, but it is frequently overlooked. The course of 12th grade English is a lot more familiar than all the other core subjects, so it becomes easy to score in it. However, you even need demonstrative guidance in language subjects. We’ve got you covered for that too. In our syllabus, we cover the following topics:
- What does the study of language and literature mean at A Level?
- Text producers and receivers
- Mode and genre
- Variation, register and representation
- Narrative
- Language level 1: Lexis and semantics
- Language level 2: Grammar
- Language level 3: Phonetics, phonology and prosodics
- Language level 4: Graphology
- Language level 5: Pragmatics
- Language level 6: Discourse
- Analysing texts
- Literature and literariness
- Becoming an investigator
- Remembered places
- Imagined worlds
- Poetic voices
- Writing about society
- Dramatic encounters
- Making connections
Why choose us?
Guru At Home is one of the most renowned sites in the world for online tutoring. We offer our services in over 12 countries and have a large course menu of over 50 courses. We aim to provide our clients with quality education and learning. We focus on providing the right combination of skills and knowledge. We make the impossible possible for you by connecting you with tutors from all over the world. Our classes are filled with enthusiasm and interesting activities to provide you with the best learning experience. Here are a few key points that distinguish us as the best at what we do:
- Affordability
- Enriched lessons
- Live 1:1 classes
- Elevated scores
- Lots of activities, assignments and workshops
- Specialized guidance of the tutor
- 24/7 access to the tutor
- Flexible timings
- Easy rescheduling
- Customisable courses
- Free demo sessions
Try our services and believe it yourself with 3 simple steps-
- Choose your course today
- Book a free demo session
- And start learning with your own live tutor
Live tutoring plan for grade 12
Personalized One On One Sessions
Comprehensive Courses
Notes & Assessments for every topic
Subjects for 12th Grade
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Accountancy
- Economics
- Entrepreneurship
- Business Studies
Our live classes begin at as cheap as US $10 per class.
Of course, everything is included in the package you choose. You won’t be charged extra for periodic tests, notes, or assessments.
You can easily reschedule or cancel a lesson just by informing us or the tutor a few hours before the class for active rescheduling of the lesson.
We try our best to not make you go through any sort of inconvenience however if anything unforeseen events like this happens, we will compensate for the class you missed.